About Us
“Every human being is born great, armed with the power of imagination and the ability to create, we humans shape the world. Our greatness is not measured by our selfish acts, but by how we build one another to achieve a common goal. We are Dreams Of Tomorrow, driven by the desire to make a change. We are for the hustlers, the risk-takers, the ones at the forefront of progress and growth. We are for those who say, “let me try”. For it is our belief that the giants of tomorrow are all born today. We are DOT Made! Building tomorrow’s giants today.”
-TI Mahlangu-
– Since 2014 –
Our Courses and Partnerships
DOT Made stands for a world where human rights are respected as ordained by our Creator. We believe in the power of education to elevate human intellectual development. Therefore, we support and partner with organizations like the WOL Foundation and WOL Academy, which share our vision for education and human potential.